thoughts on being human
As therapists we hold space, we listen, we resonate.
Read our blog posts to get to know us more in our own complexity;
our passions, our own big feelings, our values.
We’re excited to share our humanity with you!
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Check out our new series, Surviving 2025, for blog posts specifically selected to help you better cope with the challenging twists and turns that this year has in store.
On Why Investing in Private Pay Therapy Is Really Worth It
Private pay therapy offers deeper, more personalized care, free from insurance restrictions. Investing in your mental health means lasting change and true healing. Read on for more reasons why opting to pay out-of-pocket for therapy is really worth it.
On Intentionally Avoiding
I’m not sure where the narrative began that avoidance and disconnecting from yourself is a bad thing. I mean, if all you are doing is avoiding life and you don’t even realize when you are doing it…yea that will likely result in some other life challenges. For myself, I actually really enjoy taking a break from my deeper thoughts and momentarily jumping out of my emotions. Intentional avoidance and distraction help us to move further away from a feeling that is daunting or overwhelming - knowing that we will process those feelings later
On Therapy & the Roots of Suffering
In our culture, mental health is often viewed through a narrow lens of pathology—focusing on individuals and their symptoms. Pain, disconnection, and despair are categorized into neat diagnoses—anxiety becomes a disorder, depression a chemical imbalance, burnout the result of poor self-management. These labels can provide temporary relief by naming what feels overwhelming, offering a sense of clarity about what is “wrong.” But this focus on individual symptoms is ultimately limiting, failing to acknowledge the broader social and cultural forces at play.
On Mental Health Technology & BetterHelp
I kind of worked out recently that maybe if we didn't call what BetterHelp was doing necessarily psychotherapy, I might be able to be a bit more comfortable with it maybe. I still think it would be problematic, but I think it's the conflation of psychotherapy as I know it, and mental health support in a whole variety of different ways. So it could be, well, it is the fact that you have this platform that's offering something to people in the world of mental health, mental health professionals to speak to in some way or fashion. But the way that BetterHelp works is completely antithetical to how I was trained to offer a psychotherapeutic space, which was about consistency, regularity, space between those sessions. Generally very little contact between sessions, generally a commitment of more than a very short period of time...
On Why Kindman & Co. Exists & How We Got Our Start
Kindman & Co. has now been up and running for 4 years! Amanda, our care coordinator, sat down with our co-founders, Kaitlin and Paul, to finally share the story of just how our practice got started and the importance of the social-justice, relational approach that we take. Click here to read more!
On Finding a Therapist
Starting therapy for the first time is scary! And finding a therapist who is the right fit for you can be a process! Preparing the right questions, and clarifying what we want to get from therapy is helpful in making this important decision, and might make picking up the phone (or crafting that email) a little easier. Click here for 3 tips to find a therapist who will be the best fit!
On What to Talk about in Therapy When You’re Doing Okay
When everything is a disaster, it’s easy to figure out what you should talk about in therapy. Conflict, sadness, anxiety, relationship problems, friendship problems, parent stuff, body image, identity, etc. etc. Pleeeenty of content for a 50 minute session. It's those moments when things are actually going well, when just before your session you think: “What am I going to talk about today?” Click here for 5 topics to explore when it feels like things are going well and you’ve got nothing to talk about.
On Breakthroughs & Reflections in Therapy
Surprise! Therapists are humans and also go to therapy! Gaby Teresa shares her recent breakthroughs in her own therapy experiences as a queer, Latina woman and therapist. Click here to learn more about how women are forced to stay silent and how to move forward in your own healing journey. Because mira, we’ve got to stop silencing women. Especially BIPOC women.
On Common Therapy Client Questions
In therapy, it is very common to have questions about yourself, the therapeutic process, and your therapist. Over the years that I have practiced as a therapist, I have seen a common thread of questions that are frequently asked by my clients. We hope the answers to these six common therapy questions will help you understand therapy better and feel validated in your experience.