On Sports, Sex, Saunas: A Closer Look into Feeling Good in Our Relationship with Ourselves.

In our crazy modern life, stress seems almost endemic. The urban lifestyle is fast-paced and demanding. Before you know it, another year has passed, and you feel strung out, exhausted, and cranky without knowing why. Chances are high that you've neglected yourself somewhat with all of life’s demands. 

Sound familiar? 

Summer is the perfect time to rectify those negative feelings about yourself. Some activities that are excellent for boosting morale include sports, sex, and saunas. Perhaps they sound unrelated, but they all trigger feel-good reactions in the body and mind, an essential when you’re trying to resurrect your worn-out spirit.

Feeling good in our relationship with ourselves means having a positive and nurturing connection with who we are. It encompasses several key aspects:

  • Self-acceptance

  • Self-compassion

  • Self-care

  • Self-respect

  • Self-awareness

  • Personal growth

  • Authenticity

  • Gratitude and positivity

If you think that most of those concepts sound selfish, you would be right. That’s the point! It’s time to focus on yourself; in this context, being “selfish” is good. 

While there are endless activities you could choose for a feel-good summer, we recommend you take some time playing some sports, enjoying some sexual fulfillment, and sweating it out in the sauna to experience their benefits to the soul for yourself.

The Power of Sport: Endorphins and Beyond

Playing sports is more than just physical exercise; it’s a holistic experience that impacts your mind, body, and spirit. Whether you’re running, swimming, or playing team sports, your body releases endorphins—natural chemicals that act as painkillers and mood elevators. These powerful hormones enhance your sense of well-being in multiple ways.

Have you noticed it’s almost impossible to stay cranky when you’re exercising? Those endorphins help to overcome feelings of depression, anxiety, stress, and irritation.

Sport and exercise also help improve sleep patterns and quality. Sleeping better also improves your mood and mental outlook. Playing sports can also affect your self-confidence. As you practice your favorite sport regularly, your growing fitness, increasingly healthy body, and mastery of techniques can bolster your pride and self-confidence.

Exercising also has mental benefits for young and old. It improves concentration, sharpens the mind, and facilitates good judgment. A combination of strength training and aerobic exercise is the key to these benefits.

Playing a team sport or training with a friend has an extra feel-good quality. It fosters social connections and camaraderie. These joint exercise endeavors will give you a sense of belonging and can be a great way to make new friends.

Exercise has so many benefits for the body and soul, but sport may not be everyone’s cup of tea. If this is you, there are plenty of fun ways to get your heart rate up and the endorphins flowing. You might get your exercise high from dancing lessons, a yoga class, or even walking your dog. Whichever type of exercise floats your boat, get your trainers on and do it. 

How Sexual Fulfillment Can Enhance Your Relationship with Yourself

Sexual intimacy can also play a pivotal role in feeling good about yourself. Beyond the physical pleasure it gives you, sex is deeply intertwined with emotional connection and contributes to your overall happiness and life satisfaction.

During sexual arousal and orgasm, the brain releases a cocktail of chemicals, including oxytocin, endorphins, and dopamine. These feel-good hormones have powerful effects on the body, including:

  • Stress relief

  • Mood elevation

  • Sleep enhancement

  • Immune booster

  • Improves heart health

  • Intimacy enhancement

  • Improves mental cognition

  • Pain relief

  • Lower blood pressure

Healthy sexual expression boosts your relationship with your significant other and yourself, as it fosters a positive self-image and a sense of fulfillment. 

As you can see, there are plenty of good reasons for enjoying sex if you ever thought you needed one. By nurturing your sexual health and fulfillment, you’re investing in your overall well-being.

Turn Up the Heat: Saunas and Wellness

People in many different cultures have enjoyed saunas for centuries. Although they’re a surefire way to indulge in some R&R, they also have many other proven benefits. In fact, many of the benefits of saunas are similar to those of playing sports and having sex!

Rocks in a sauna
  • Improved heart health

  • Lower blood pressure

  • Recovery of sore muscles

  • Relief of joint pain

  • Improved lung function in people with asthma

  • Reduction of skin plaques and scales in people with psoriasis

  • Stress reduction

  • Detoxification

  • Stronger immunity to colds and viral illnesses

  • Better sleep

  • Lower risk of dementia & Alzheimer’s disease

Aside from all the physiological benefits, saunas can be the ultimate sanctuary for mental relaxation. The quiet atmosphere encourages mindfulness and introspection, the perfect reprieve from the constant stimulation of modern life. 

On the other hand, if you’re more of a social butterfly, a sauna can also be a place where friends or more-than-friends can socialize and connect. Whether you prefer to relax in the sauna alone or with a friend, it is an indulgence that leaves you feeling relaxed, healthier, and less stressed.

Integration and Balance

Although sports, sex, and saunas are wildly different activities, they have many overlapping physiological and mental benefits that can bolster your relationship with yourself. However, their true power lies in their integration into a balanced lifestyle.

Regular exercise or sport improves health and boosts mood and self-esteem. Cultivating healthy sexual relationships fosters intimacy and emotional fulfillment, which bolsters overall happiness and well-being. Saunas are a haven for relaxation and rejuvenation, nurturing both body and mind.

The Final Word

Ultimately, feeling good about yourself is about honoring your body, nurturing your relationships, and creating spaces for relaxation and rejuvenation. 

A good dose of exercise or sports, sex, and a sauna here and there is an excellent recipe for feeling good in your relationship with yourself. 

So, indulge yourself a little this summer. You will reap the physical, emotional, and mental benefits, and so will those around you. 

front facing photo of the author

Written by Angelica Hoover. Angelica Hoover is a writer and editor who expertly blends her passion for clean living, relationships, and self-care to create captivating content. Whether she's exploring the great outdoors or whipping up delicious plant-based meals, Angelica is always in pursuit of inspiration to infuse into her compelling stories around health, family, and lifestyle.


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