What The $@%! Is PACT?!
brochure provided by the pact institute
All romantic partners have conflict and fights, just not everyone knows how to do it in a way that generates more deepening of intimacy and relationship security—we’re here to help you build the tools to do so!
Many of the therapists on our team have completed varying levels of training in the Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy (PACT). We believe that PACT is one of the most effective forms of couple therapy because it teaches you not only how to build effective communication strategies but also how to soothe each other enough to be able to actually utilize these communication strategies. By better understanding your attachment styles, neurobiology, and responses to threat vs. safety, PACT helps you and your partner to efficiently and effectively learn to better care for one another. Read on for more information from the PACT Institute about what kinds of relationship problems PACT addresses, the fundamentals of the PACT approach and what you can expect from a PACT therapy session.
This information is copyrighted by The PACT Institute and StanTatkin.com and should not be used or reproduced without permission.