Los Angeles Psychotherapy for Couples & Individuals
offering in-person therapy in highland park
specializing in inclusive, bipoc & queer affirming therapy
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Kindman & Co. in highland park, ca
relational therapy for individuals, groups, & intimate relationships
We’re here to help you feel seen, heard, and understood
Kindman & Co. is a Los Angeles-based psychotherapy group specializing in inclusive, social justice informed therapy.
We are a diverse group of therapists who deeply value your experience and the many intersections of your identity. We understand how painful it is to not get to be your true self, to feel disconnected from your loved ones, to manage big feelings like anxiety & overwhelm, to navigate significant loss and life transitions, and/or to be unsure about what you value and your purpose.
Located in Highland Park, we provide healing support and therapy for teens, adults, couples, partners, families, and groups across the Eastside of Los Angeles—including Northeast L.A., Los Feliz, Silver Lake, Echo Park, Eagle Rock, Glassell Park, Mount Washington, Pasadena, and Downtown L.A.
We’re dedicated to supporting the collective healing of our community
We know that having authentic connections and improving your relationships can lead to greater social change.
Our team is here to help you do just that—we want you to get to be the most authentic version of you and to feel affirmed, loved, and nourished by your relationships. We also help relationship and couple therapy clients improve the quality of their connections to foster a greater sense of security that supports each of you to be your authentic selves and feel more confident in your relationship.
we deeply value human connection & take an anti-oppressive stance
As relational and feminist therapists, we lead with our values. We are passionate about supporting our clients towards empowerment and liberation.
Our team is deeply committed to working with BIPOC and LGTBQIA2S+ folks, clients in expansive relationship structures and partnerships, and those with unique and creative life experiences. As human beings first, we value our own humanness, messiness, emotions, & model our shared vulnerability for our clients. You will get to know your therapist as a real, feeling person!
We look forward to working with you and to helping you nurture yourself & your relationships.
our vision
Kindman & co. exists to help create thriving communities by nourishing intimate relationships, healing trauma, & bringing about positive social change.
we see you.
Human beings are social creatures. We need connection and the support of others to thrive. Distress gets a bad reputation—it’s often seen as an indicator of something “wrong” with us individually, and we’re taught that it’s our responsibility to fix our “broken” parts. We disagree.
There is nothing wrong with you.
We see your sadness, worry, and loneliness as vital feedback about challenges you’re encountering in your environment and relationships.
Whether you’ve experienced racism, transphobia, fatphobia, ableism, or any other form of oppression, there’s a therapist at Kindman & Co. who is ready to join with you towards liberation. As Esther Perel says: “the quality of our relationships determines the quality of our lives.”
We will help you better understand the significance of your distress and build tools and communication skills to get the support and meaningful connection that we all need as humans.
Each and every one of us innately possesses strengths to live more enriching, joyful lives; let us help you to (re)connect to your strengths to find wellbeing.

our ideal client: you.
You are welcome here regardless of race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender identity, ability, immigration status, or religion. You don’t have to be anyone but you when you’re at Kindman & Co.
how our therapists help
We believe that meaningful connection is at the heart of our well-being.
In fact, our brains and nervous systems are literally wired for connection—research shows that having quality relationships leads to longer lives! We cultivate empathic relationships with our clients where both parties are impacted and learn from one another.
Our relationship & couple therapists specialize in helping you improve the quality of your connections by increasing the intimacy in your relationships, encouraging curiosity, promoting vulnerability and emotional risk-taking, practicing healthy boundary setting, advocating for your relational needs, and making agreements that actually work for all parties.
Traumatic experiences impact all of us.
Any event that overwhelms our capacity to cope can be stored in our bodies as a trauma response, especially if we didn’t receive the social and emotional support that we needed at the time.
For many people, the mere act of participating in a nonjudgmental, empathic relationship that moves at a pace you are comfortable with, is healing in-and-of-itself.
Using a somatic approach, our team of trauma-informed therapists work with you to help you build compassion for your experience, understand your triggers, develop techniques to manage big feelings and challenging moments, actually start to rewire your nervous system, and find healing through resilience.
We live in an increasingly divided world that moves us away from our basic need for connection.
We feel ashamed when we can’t do it all on our own.
Our social justice-informed approach brings in thoughtful consideration of our clients’ cultures, intersectional identities, and the societal factors influencing each of us. We use a values-forward style that surveys your environment and context and recognizes that issues of social justice and oppression may be contributing to your distress.
We are here to help you understand mental health symptoms as reasonable responses to an unjust world and begin to move towards increased liberation and pleasure. Together we will embrace feelings and actions that empower you & help to better the world.